Friday, November 24, 2006

BlackLight lit.

Enough of keeping you guys in the dark.
After an endless wait for my power supply (long story) I finally have the tools to get BlackLight Inc rolling.

Now the first thing you would have noticed would be the big purple logo. The second thing should have been the word "Inc." after BlackLight. Let me explain. BlackLight is a company, hence "inc", whose main objective right now is the development of user friendly and intuitive software. The purpose of this incorporation is to make using your computer more .. um .. friendly.

No, this is not MydreamApp all over again. We are a proper company not a competition. If you join it makes you an employee of BlackLight. Now, at the moment we are currently under certain financial strains so we'll keep it at volunteer.

And yes that is our current logo.

What does the Future hold:

For the next few months I don't plan on initiating any major application developments and I'll be scouting the field for candidates that can help me. BlackLight Inc. will be needing programmers, web developers and designers.

I said "company" but BlackLight will be no ordinary company. Later, all you'll have to do is give me your 2 cents( not literally) and I'll consider you as an employee. Maybe later we can have a proper registration page. So any ideas you'll have will be implemented. What this will lead to is not open source software but open source development. That means that all "employees" will be able to edit the software as they wish ,at all times, and the others can decide if the change is good or bad. Its like Wikipedia for software.

Now this may sound crazy and undo-able so i'm not promising you anything, its an idea.

More on this soon...

Now, I must go and find employee No. 2


Sid Nangia
(CEO, BlackLight Inc.)

PS: for those of you who werent paying atention there is SrB4O7:Eu2+, 400 nm written in black in the previous post. Which when googled gives one hit refering to Blacklight and purple....

posted by sid @ 10:19 PM   4 comments